Saturday, April 23, 2011

Are You Really Pregnant?

blighted ovum_no embrio
Blighted ovum is a pregnancy without found any embryo growth. In general, the time of the pregnancy test, candidates are expected positive pregnant mothers, they also feel the symptoms of a pregnant woman, such as nausea, dizziness, rapid fatigue, and breast to harden. In the case of blighted ovum, the placenta and pregnancy sac still develop normally, the problem is the development of her fetus.
Blighted ovum occurs when a fertilized egg failed to develop properly. Although the pregnancy sac continues to grow, but the development of her fetus did not occur. So when the pregnancy reaches half months gestation sac can be seen only without any pictures fetus.

Prospective mothers can only be ascertained have blighted ovum or not when done by an ultrasound examination. Blighted ovum occurs in very early pregnancy on gestational age approximately 6-8 weeks. Patients can expect during her pregnancy is normal, because the pregnancy sac seen clearly, and urine pregnancy test was positive. Thus, to ensure best detected by ultrasound examination.

To determine how to get pregnant faster, you should have a comprehensive diet and exercise. Pick a guide that has been proven and tested (right sidebar) and do not arbitrarily choose a guide, it concerns your health and success.

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